Tax time kicks off on 1st July.
There is a common misconception that you must lodge your tax return by 31st October each year. If you have a Tax Agent, like me, you have until May the following year, but most people want to get their refunds ASAP.
This year, for the first time, many taxpayers will have instant access to their employment payment details. ‘They’ haven’t been called group certificates for years and soon payment summaries will be a thing of the past.
From 1st July 2018, large employers (those with 15+ employees) adopted single touch payroll (STP) therefore your salary information is automatically transmitted to the ATO each time you get paid. That means for your 2019 tax return, all your employment information will be ready to go and so too, your tax return.
For most individual taxpayers, JHL Accounting can access your general income information directly from the ATO. In most cases, all I will need from you is a list of your possible deductions.
So with tax time fast approaching, give me a call and we can discuss what you will need to provide, and I can lodge your tax return early so that you won’t have to think about it for another year.